RAID 0 Configuration Data Recovery

RAID 0 Configuration Data Recovery

A RAID 0 configuration uses a data striping technique where multiple hard drives are combined into one large volume. Because it splits the data and accesses both drives in parallel, RAID 0 reads and writes faster than a non-RAID configuration. RAID 0 does not offer data redundancy and requires a minimum of two hard drives to be fully restored in order to complete a successful raid recovery.

RAID 0 offers low cost and maximum performance, but offers no fault tolerance; a single disk failure results in TOTAL data loss. Businesses use RAID 0 mainly for tasks requiring fast access to a large capacity of temporary disk storage (such as video/audio post-production, multimedia imaging, CAD, data logging, etc.) where in case of a disk failure, the data can be easily reloaded without impacting the business.

Note: In order to have the best possible chance at performing a successful RAID 0 data recovery, all drives that were part of the original array at the time of failure are required.