RAID 1 Configuration Data Recovery

RAID 1 Configuration Data Recovery

A RAID 1 configuration mirrors, or copies, the content of one drive onto another twin drive. In the instance that one of the drives fails, mirroring guarantees optimal data integrity and instant access to your data.

Another advantage of a RAID 1 configuration is that it allows you to use just half of your NAS device's available capacity. A RAID 1 configuration has a minimum of two hard drives; if you use more than that, there must be an even number. The advantage of this type of RAID configuration is that in normal circumstances (the mirrors function correctly when the failure occurred), RAID 1 data recovery takes less time, resources and tools.

Provides cost-effective, high fault tolerance for configurations with two disk drives. RAID 1 refers to maintaining duplicate sets of all data on separate disk drives. It also provides the highest data availability since two complete copies of all information are maintained. There must be two disks in the configuration and there is a cost disadvantage as the usable capacity is half the number of available disks. RAID 1 offers data protection insurance for any environments where absolute data redundancy, availability and performance are key, and cost per usable gigabyte of capacity is a secondary consideration.