Discover New Cuisines with Ness


We may all feel a brief prideful moment when the server of our regular culinary establishment commits both our faces and regular order to their mind. This elation lasts none too long in the face of the impending thought that we really ought not to be so routine. However, the monetary gamble on a new restaurant could not only ruin your wallet, but your digestion system as well. We rarely feel compelled to take such a risk. The Mobile App of the Week, Ness, hopefully helps you make better gastrointestinal gambles.

Ness describes itself as the "Pandora of restaurants," which I found to be an appropriate description. Upon opening Ness for the first time, Ness asks for your regular location, and your rating of restaurants in the area. Ness requires 10 ratings to begin doling out recommendations.
Once you pass your judgment on the surrounding diners, Ness brings you to the home screen. The home screen comprises of a search bar and enticing pictures of several Hors d'oeuvre genres in the background. Touching a picture shows you recommended restaurants of that kind in the area. For example, poking a picture of a burger gives you the burger joints in your area.
The search bar lets you find restaurants by type, price, location, and hours. On restaurant listings, Ness will even tell you if a location is about to close or already closed. All of this makes finding a choice eatery simplistic.
Ness allows you to log in with your Facebook or Foursquare account, apparently to help locate good eats. How social media could possibly help eludes me.
Overall, whatever system Ness uses works terribly well. As a test I gave ratings of a couple places I ate at while leaving out my favorite ones. Ness's top recommended restaurants were all places I left out but thoroughly enjoyed.
Regrettably, this app does not come in Android flavor.

Ness — The Free iOS App of the Week
For iPhone
Size: 10.2 MB