Find a Whole New Library with Wattpad

Writing tends to be a lonely pursuit. Skilled writers enjoy feedback from a source besides the niggling voice in their head. However, finagling an individual into critiquing your epic work requires them to A) actually read, which a vast percentage loathe to do, and B) enumerate on their thoughts more than "it's good." Finding colleagues seems to be just as difficult as finding feedback. Many self-proclaimed "writers" end up having only written one badly spelled poem in middle school.

This app of the week, Wattpad, solves the solitary writer's conundrum. Wattpad acts as a much needed online community to amateur writers as well as a source of thousands of books to avid readers.
For the readers, Wattpad offers books of all genres. Selecting a book will download it to your Wattpad library to be read at your discretion. I found the functions of the reading mechanic simple. Tap to the right of the screen to go to the next page, and tap the left of the screen to go back a page. You can also have the text slowly scroll down Star Wars style if you don't feel like using you hands.
After you've (hopefully) enjoyed your read, you can share the story through eMail and Facebook. Additionally you may upvote and comment on the story. Most authors respond to the feedback you give.
To comment, upvote, or create a story, you must fashion yourself a Wattpad account. Wattpad gives the option of logging in through Facebook, but you do have an option to just make an independent account. If you particularly enjoy the works of a certain author you can become a "fan" of them so you may be updated on their newest works.
On the writer's side, Wattpad gives you a sizable amount of readers eager to look at your works and provide feedback. Upon choosing to create a new story, Wattpad provides you with a minimal creation page; a slot to insert the title, and a slot to insert the text of your novel. After creating your story, you may upload it to the Wattpad database.

Wattpad — Free Android / iOS App of the Week
For Android
Size: 1.7 MB

For iPhone and iPad
Size: 4.2 MB