Find the Best Roadways with Waze

Waze App IconWaze
Before the information age, the only communication occurring between drivers were the occasional crude gestures or the apologetic hand-waves proceeding cutting someone off. However, with our modern mobile technology we can achieve something greater. Waze (or Waze Social GPS Traffic & Gas), the Free Android / iOS App of the Week, allows us to correspond with other drivers to circumvent the road born hazards which seek to tardy us.

The main page of Waze is a GPS map overlaid with icons indicating various points of interest on the road. Most of the icons are pretty self explanatory. If you don’t want to scroll around your area to discover what’s happening you can view a list of all the reported incidents in your area. A few of the most common warnings include: traffic cameras, police, low-speed areas, and other Waze users.
In fact, you can unlock new looks for your own Waze user icon by contributing to hazards in your area. Reporting hazards proves to be a quick process. It has to be: no one looks forward to tediously typing out "goat crossing" when hurtling at 70 mph. Select the icon on the right hand corner, choose your flavor of hazard type, and Waze will do the rest. If you desire to add more information, the option exists.
Waze also provides you with their own navigation system. The navigation system takes into account the reported incidents along your route and will suggest alternate routes if available. The navigation is voice-guided which provides a nice improvement on… other map systems. However, if you want to get directions on the fly, make sure you can acquire the address of your destination as Waze isn’t always great with names.
Waze, titling itself as a social media tool, also gives options to meet up with other users or talk with them. An opportunity I didn’t take up as I had little interest in pinging off where I live.

Waze Social GPS Traffic & Gas — Free Android / iOS App of the Week
For Android
Size: 14 MB

For iPhone and iPad
Size: 27.9