Installing Go (golang) on Ubuntu Linux

Previous posts:
- Linux (Ubuntu) Virtual Machine on Windows Azure
- Remote Access to Ubuntu Linux VM on Windows Azure
- Installing LAMP on Ubuntu
- Installing Git on Ubuntu Linux

As part of my series on setting up a development environment on Ubuntu Linux running in Windows Azure, here are the steps to install and test the Go (golang) language.

First you have to SSH to your VM and install Go, which is super easy. Note that apt-get might not install the latest version of Go, see thread on Stack Overflow about installing latest version of Go.

$ ssh -p portnumber
sudo apt-get install golang-go


You’ll be asking whether or not you’d like to participate in a program to track which packages are being installed.


To check that it’s installed, you can run: $ go version

You may want to do some additional customization. For more details, refer to this post: How to Install Google Go in Ubuntu by Joshua Price.