Linux Kernel 3.10.x Will be LTS

Greg has just released Linux Kernel 3.10.5 and he also posted a new blog post about a new kernel being labeled as LTS (Long Term Support) and that is 3.10.x. It's been some time since he is willing to take a stable kernel into LTS and the last time was 3.4.x.

I'm still not sure whether Pat is willing to take Linux Kernel 3.10 as the default kernel in Slackware, but if the fix for the Sandy Bridge resume bug has been fixed in 3.10.x along with other fixes, i guess there's a chance that it will be used as the default kernel stock used in Slackware 14.1.

I'm already running Linux Kernel 3.10.5 on my main desktop at home and so far, everything works as i hoped. There has been a patch for NVidia driver (although i must admit that it's an ugly hack) and also VMWare Workstation and Player.