Create Blog on Google Blogger

What is Blog? - A Blog is an abbreviated word used for term “Weblog“, This is a word used to describe different type of Websites and Portals which share information on specific topics or wider categories. It usually includes Features like Blog Posts, Videos, Comments, Links to other websites, Widgets, etc.

What is Blogging? - Each and every skill you need to run and manage a Blog is called blogging. Blogging includes Skills Like Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Writing, Editing and Publishing Posts, Designing and Maintaining the Design of your Website, etc.

Use of Blog? - You can use blogs for everything from updating your friends and family about your life, giving your own advice column, discussing your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest. You can host blogs with multiple contributors, or you can run your own solo show.

Is it Free? - Yes its free of cost. No, hidden charges.

Can we convert our google blogger blog ( into Top Level Domain ( - Yes, You can do it anytime. You just need to purchase a domain name from any  Domain Name Register's Website and redirect your blog into your domain. How? We will discusses it later.

Can We make money with a blog? - Yes, There are many way to make money with a blog.

Now, Lets Start making a blog. You will notice how easy it is.
Which things you need for creating a blog in blogger?
  • A Gmail ID. If you don't have kindly Register a new ID. Its Free go to
  • You should be a good Article writer (not required)
  • Knowledge about HTML, CSS, JAVA etc (Not Required)
1. Open in your browser.
2. Write your Gmail ID and Password and Click on Sign in.
(Click on Image for large view)

3. Click on Create a limited Blogger Profile.

4. Write your Display Name and Click on Continue to Blogger. Let me describe your what is Display Name. Display Name will be appear in your each post and comment. If your display name is Geekyshows and whenever you will create a new post and publish it or whenever you will be reply your readers question in your blogs comment box your display name will show as Geekyshows.

5. Click on New Blog

6. Write Your Blog Title and Blog address then choose a Template from the given list and Click on Create Blog.
What is Blog Title - We can say blog title means Blog Name. It will display at the top of your blog. it will better if you will choose a title related to your blog subject.
What is Blog Address - This is your web Address. Sometime you will notice you can't get address as per your choice because it is unavailable. 

7. As you can see we have created a New Blog successfully.
(Click on image for large view)

Are you a Beginner ?
  1. Advance Introduction About Blogger Part 1
  2. Advance Introduction About Blogger Part 2
  3. Create a New Post in Blogger
  4. Post Picture to Blog 
  5. How to Add Labels to Your Post
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