Create a New Post in Blogger

New Post - Creating a Post gives the area where you can write your article. There are many way to create a new post. I will so you a simple process to create a new post.
In the previous article we have learnt How to create a New Blog. So, now lets start creating new post on blog.
1. Once you've logged into Blogger you'll see your Dashboard, showing your list of blogs. Click the orange pencil icon to create a new post:
(Click in image for large view)
2. You will see Post Editor. First of all write your Post Title then write your article in the given area. When you done with writing your article Click on Publish.
(Click in image for large view)
Are you a Beginner ?
  1. Create Blog on Google Blogger
  2. Advance Introduction About Blogger Part 1
  3. Advance Introduction About Blogger Part 2
  4. Post Picture to Blog 
  5. How to Add Labels to Your Post

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