...about the brethren's hard-on for Iraq now that it's collapsing again -- this time without our help, which may be why they're so concerned. Oh, who am I kidding -- it's about Obama and the Democrats being weak on defense, etc. Guess we'll find out whether the American people still think we'll be greeted as liberators.

UPDATE. The Voice column mentions a lot of war-whoopers from early days who are again telling us again what to do in Iraq instead of requesting fresh blankets from their jailers in Den Haag. Well, today in the New York Daily News I see a let's-do-it-again column from... Fred Kagan. This AEI hack told us back in 2005 that "Iraq is Not Vietnam"; now that Iraq seems to be passing from the Quagmire stage to the Ignoble Retreat stage, Kagan is trying to reverse the judgment of history in his favor:
And so, the current impending defeat is much worse than the one we accepted so blithely in 1975. This war won't end with U.S. personnel escaping from the embassy roof (although that might happen as well). There is, in fact, no end in sight for this war now, especially if we allow Iraq to go down. A policy of retreat and abandonment remains as it has always been the fastest road to endless war.
Whereas doubling down in Iraq is the scenic route to endless war. Jesus Christ. Why couldn't we have given these guys the Inglourious Basterds treatment so people would know better than to trust them again?