VMware Communities Roundtable Podcast 279 – The Show Goes On, Blogs.vmware.com

Hosts Eric Nielsen, VMware, Linkedin Mike Gordon Laverick, VMware @Mike_Laverick Guests James Warmkessel, VMware News VMware reveals plan for pay-as-you-go hybrid cloud and hybrid NSX How VMware sees OpenStack as a standard VMware Responds To Cisco�s SDN Bashing, Says NSX Tech Runs Well On VCE Vblocks Around the Community vBrownbag Podcast VMUG Local Meetings – […]]> Hosts

Eric Nielsen, VMware, Linkedin

Mike Gordon Laverick, VMware @Mike_Laverick


James Warmkessel, VMware


VMware reveals plan for pay-as-you-go hybrid cloud and hybrid NSX

How VMware sees OpenStack as a standard

VMware Responds To Cisco�s SDN Bashing, Says NSX Tech Runs Well On VCE Vblocks

Around the Community

vBrownbag Podcast

VMUG Local Meetings – Check it today!

AdaptingIT – Lauren Malhoit Podcast

Virtualization Security Roundtable

vCatchup Podcast – Craig Waters

Stu McHugh�s Virtualisation Blog – vNews Podcast

Geek Whisperers Podcast

Establish your Cloud Cred!

Join the Conversation on Google+ Communities – Software-Defined Data Center

VUPaaS – Virtualization User Podcast as a Service

Join the Conversation on Google+ Communities – VMware NSX

vSoup Podcast

The Cloudcast Podcast

Link to Audio Recording

The Show Goes On, Blogs.vmware.com


Cannot logon to vCAC portal and you get Internal error when logging on as the root tenant

Building a Home Lab with ESXi 5.5, VSAN, and Mac Mini Server (6,2) (Part 1 of 3)

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