Pantheon Files - add the option Open folder to Root

Pantheon Files - add the option Open folder to Root

In this simple guide we will see how to enter the "Open Folder as Root" in the Pantheon of elementary OS Files

Pantheon Files - option Open folder to Root
elementary OS is a Linux distribution that stra with great success thanks to the excellent development of the Pantheon, lightweight and functional open source desktop environment that includes several dedicated applications including even Pantheon Files. Pantheon Files is a modern, open source file manager with minimal graphical interface that allows us to quickly access the directories and files on our computer or in the file system related.
The developer elementary OS have worked very hard to make it lighter and more reliable the new Pantheon Files, file manager but does not include some useful features such as the option to access a window as root.

Start a directory with root permissions can go back very useful for example to operate in the file system (operation to be performed only by experienced users), start as a binary file that requires admin rights (such as various installar etc.) etc., remove files created with root permissions etc..

We can add the option "Open folder to Root" from the context menu of Pantheon Files creating it ourselves by typing in a terminal:

sudo nano /usr/share/contractor/openasroot.contract
and insert:
[Contractor Entry]
Name=Apri cartella da Root
Description=Open folder as root
Exec=gksudo pantheon-files -d %U
and save everything with Ctrl + x and then s.
At this point just start Pantheon Files to find the option "Open folder to Root" from the context menu.

To remove the option "Open folder to Root" from the context menu of Pantheon Files just type:

sudo rm /usr/share/contractor/openasroot.contract