Steam and error missing Following the 32-bit libraries here's how to solve it


Steam and error missing Following the 32-bit libraries here's how to solve it

It may happen that after you install Steam in 64-bit distributions, the client will not start due to error "You are missing the Following 32-bit libraries ..." here's how to solve it.

Steam startup error
The arrival of the Steam client for Linux has brought not only many native games for the free operating system but also many optimizations and improvements especially regarding hardware support. Thanks to the collaboration between Valve and Intel, Nvidia and AMD in recent months we have seen significant improvements in both land open source drivers that owners with graphics performance is now similar to Microsoft Windows and Mac. Steam client is available for the major Linux distributions (in some such as Manjaro is already installed by default), the problem is that it does not always start properly due to a problem with the support Multiarch.

Several readers have reported an issue after the Steam client installation, startup, there is a window that reports the error "You are missing the Following 32-bit libraries, and may not run Steam:" that prevents the initiation of the owner of Valve software.

The problem is due to the Mesa library 32 bits not recognized / system launched in 64 Bit. To solve this problem in Debian, Ubuntu and just install the 32-bit package libgl1-nvidia-glx typing in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386
after installation go to create a configuration file that can successfully start the 32-bit libraries Mesa, just type:
sudo nano /etc/
and insert:
save everything with Ctrl + x and then s
Then type:

sudo ldconfig
We just have to start from the Steam menu and here solved the problem.
The same problem can also riscontrarlo in Arch Linux and derivatives (the picture above is the error in Manjaro) to solve it we will have to install lib32-mesa-libgl typing:

sudo pacman -Sy lib32-mesa-libgl
and let's start Steam.
For further information please consult the section on the portal Arch Linux.