Assault Cube , Available download for Linux, Mac and Windows

Assault Cube , Available download for Linux, Mac and Windows

Assault Cube , Available download for Linux, Mac and Windows

AssaultCube is a total conversion of Wouter van Oortmerssen's FPS called Cube. Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.

Features in a nut-shell:
  • It's FREE.
  • Source code is available under a zlib-like open source license.
  • Low latency, it can even run across a 56Kbps connection!
  • Lightweight size, only 40MB to download, plus additional maps average 20KB each!
  • With the correct settings, it can run on old hardware (Pentium III and above).
  • Officially runs on most major systems, and maybe even some non-major ones?
  • Has a built in, in-game map editor to help players create their own maps and allows for
    co-operative editmode in realtime with others!
  • Features a single-player bot system.
  • Supports recording of your game by the "demo" system.
  • Contains 12 multiplayer game modes, including: Deathmatch, Survivor, Capture the Flag, Hunt the Flag, Keep the Flag, Pistol Frenzy, Last Swiss Standing & One-Shot One-Kill (plus team versions of these modes).
  • Comes pre-packaged with 26 different maps!
To Install Assault Cube in your linux distribution, you can install Assault Cube from source code or install deb file from PlayDeb. and how to usage Assault Cube you can follow this page.

Homepage Assault Cube