Mac VS Linux, what is the best


Mac VS Linux, what is the best

Under the heading "Today we talk about ..." we ask our readers to the opinion of a distribution Linux and Apple Mac, the better the owner or the free operating system?

Linux VS Mac
After years of dominance, the operating system of Microsoft Windows is losing market share especially guilty of many Linux (and derived systems such as Android) and Apple Mac operating system being used increasingly by users and companies. In recent years the major Linux distributions have made ​​great strides, providing an excellent hardware support as well as being now very simple to install and configure. Also note that now many software (some owners) are released for both Linux and Mac such as the Steam client, browser like Google Chrome etc..

For its part, Apple Mac is a proprietary operating system developed for "turn" only in their systems, this allows developers to work on a very small hardware in such a way that it can optimize the best (try to think if Fedora, Ubuntu or Debian to concentrate in the development of a specific hardware, progress would be significant).

Apple Mac has always been referred to as an operating system stable and secure, easy to use and configure, pity it is not always the case. Especially regarding security, in recent years have come many viruses and malware dedicated to the success of all this guilt device produced by Apple often purchased not only for their quality but only because they are considered niche products, having them means having money or follow the fashion.

The user experience offered by Apple Mac is very similar to some Linux desktop environment such as the Pantheon in elementary OS, many new users coming from Windows will have difficulty with both Mac and Linux.

What we ask our readers today is their opinion about Apple Mac, proprietary operating system increasingly known and used. Apple Mac is better or worse than Linux? The current Linux distributions can now compete with Apple's proprietary system?

To you your opinion about it ...