Another VMware Cloud in Action – National Physician Services Saves $500,000 in Data Center Costs with vCloud Air

By migrating over to VMware vCloud® AirTM, National Physician Services (NPS) expects to save $500,000 over a three-year span in data center costs, as well as an additional cost savings of 15-20% through the adoption of VMware vCloud® AirTM Disaster Recovery. Brian Graven, CEO of healthcare technology company NPS, understood the importance of improving the […]]> By migrating over to VMware vCloud® AirTM, National Physician Services (NPS) expects to save $500,000 over a three-year span in data center costs, as well as an additional cost savings of 15-20% through the adoption of VMware vCloud® AirTM Disaster Recovery.

Brian Graven, CEO of healthcare technology company NPS, understood the importance of improving the quality of patient care, but also knew that providing best-of-breed technology to the medical community came with its own set of industry-specific challenges. Some of the challenges Graven identified included implementing technological advancements, protecting Personal Healthcare Information (PHI), and improving patient care while reducing expenses.

In addition to these challenges, Graven also recognized the technical obstacles that could hinder business success – disaster recovery shortcomings, backup downtime, physical limitations, financial burdens – and saw the cloud as an opportunity to mitigate many, if not all, of those problems. Because of this, NPS knew they needed a partner they could trust to carry them through the transition to the cloud.

As a long-time VMware virtualization customer, NPS was already familiar with the VMware vSphere® platform and was attracted to the seamless integration provided by vCloud Air. As VMware also has investments in HIPAA and HiTech compliance, working with VMware ensured NPS� sensitive information stayed secure and met regulatory guidelines.

Ultimately, by choosing vCloud Air over its competitors, NPS was able to achieve the following benefits:

  • Improved disaster recovery and reliability – NPS needed to ensure core clinical systems remained operational in the event of a disaster, so they worked with VMware to engineer a �hot cutover� disaster recovery solution, enabling them to maintain productivity regardless of data center issues. With new cutover capabilities to a mirrored disaster recovery environment, NPS could ensure uptime for critical systems for their customers and significantly reduce RPO by 74% and RTO by 90%. Putting it into perspective, Graven shared �If we lose a critical server or a function in our primary data center facility, we�re able to recover in minutes, versus before it was several hours.�

  • Optimized backup processes – In the past, backups occurred during off-peak hours, which meant physicians working after-hours had to accept sluggish system performance. Working with vCloud Air, NPS developed a solution that performed backups from replicated environments. Not only did the new backup strategy reduce financial costs and resources, it no longer affected production environments, so physicians could continue working without interruption after-hours.

  • Increased scalability – NPS knew they wanted to expand their business outside of the Northeast, but they had to be sure their technology could keep up with the growth. vCloud Air enabled their expansion through a scalable hosting model that NPS could use to confidently grow across the country. As Graven shares, �Over the last three years, our organization has seen triple digit growth. And because of that growth, we�re looking to expand our service offering throughout the United States. Using VMware and vCloud Air, we�re able to get at opportunities that we wouldn�t be able to get at before.�

Graven considers NPS a sanctuary for the medical community – it�s the job of NPS to make the technology work, so physicians don�t have to worry about behind-the-scenes complexities. Leveraging vCloud Air ensures NPS is able to provide better services to the medical community. �Certainly there are other cloud providers out there that we looked at, but from a security, performance, resiliency, cost perspective, vCloud Air provided a total solution for us.�

To learn more about National Physician Services� success with VMware, read thecase studyandwatch the video.

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