HOWTO : Kali Linux 1.1.0 on Optimus Laptop

Step 1 :

apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

apt-get install nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-driver

After that, reboot your Kali. Then, we need to install bumblebee.

Step 2 :

apt-get install bumblebee-nvidia primus

If you need to support i386 architecture 3D software in 64-bit Kali, you may need to install the following :

dpkg --add-architecture i386

apt-get update

apt-get install bumblebee-nvidia primus primus-libs:i386

Step 3 :

Now, you need to add you (e.g. root) to the bumblebee group.

adduser $USER bumblebee

Step 4 :

To run your application with the discrete nVidia card :

optirun iceweasel

If optirun displays the following error :

[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: Could not load GPU driver

You need to edit the following :

sed 's/KernelDriver=nvidia/KernelDriver=nvidia-current/g' -i /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf

The following are optional :

If you want to run glxgears with the discrete nVidia card, you need to install VirtualGL

32-bit Kali Linux -

wget -O virtualgl_2.3.90_i386.deb

64-bit Kali Linux -

wget -O virtualgl_2.3.90_amd64.deb

dpkg -i virtualgl_2.3.90_i386.deb


dpkg -i virtualgl_2.3.90_amd64.deb

Then run :

optirun glxgears -info


optirun glxgears

The following are CUDA applications :

Please note that the Kali official does not recommend to compile applications yourself for Kali as they think that it would damage kali.

The next steps are to install cudaHashcat, john, Cryptohaze and pyrit.

(1) cudaHashcat installation

Grab the source code and extract it. The current version is 1.31 at this writing.


7za x cudahashcat-1.31.7z

(Please noted that the current version of cudaHashcat 1.32 does not compatible with Kali 1.1.0's nVidia 340.x driver).

Then run the sample scripts to test the cudahashcat by the following commands.

cd cudaHashcat-1.31

optirun ./

optirun ./

optirun ./

When it is your first time to run cudaHashcat, you will be prompted for the license and you just answer "YES" to continue.

(2) John the Ripper Installation

Install the required package before going further.

apt-get install libssl-dev

Grab the current version of john (the current version at this writing is 1.8.0-jumbo-1) and compile it.


tar -xvzf john-1.8.0-jumbo-1.tar.gz

cd john-1.8.0-jumbo-1/src


make clean


To run john, you can execute the following command.

cd ../run

optirun ./john --format=sha512crypt-cuda /etc/shadow

Please note that the captioned command will have fruitless result when your password is longer than 8 characters which is the default for john. If requires, you can make some changes on "params.h". However, it is out of the scope of this guide.

(3) Cryptohaze Installation

Grab the current version of Cryptohaze (the current version is 1.3a at this writing).

wget -O Cryptohaze-Linux_x64_1_31a.tar.bz2

tar xjvf Cryptohaze-Linux_x64_1_31a.tar.bz2

cd Cryptohaze-Linux

To perform the sample run, you can execute the following command.

optirun ./Cryptohaze-Multiforcer -h NTLM -c charsets/charsetall -f test_hashes/Hashes-NTLM-Full.txt

(4) pyrit Installation

The first step is to install the required packages.

apt-get install libssl-dev libpcap0.8-dev python-dev

Grab the current version of pyrit. However, pyrit is not updated for a long time.

svn checkout pyrit

Compile it with the following commands.

cd pyrit/pyrit

python build

python install

cd ../cpyrit_cuda

python build

python install

To test it, you can execute the following commands.

optirun pyrit list_cores

optirun pyrit benchmark

That's all! See you.