How to watch 18+ adult videos on Youtube without sign in/logging in


How to watch 18+ adult videos on Youtube without sign in/logging in

If you stumble upon a YouTube video that, for one reason or another has been set as "age restricted," you can still watch the video without signing  in . Ever got frustrated when YouTube asks you to sign-in to watch an 18+ adult video? If yes, then here is a way out to view such videos without logging in.Some people may be you are interested to watch 18+ video on YouTube but unfortunately you can not access it without sign in .Sometime its annoying when YouTube ask you to sign in for your age verification to watch 18+ videos. So i will make it easy for you by showing you a simple  trick to watch any adult or 18+ YouTube videos without signing In.

Here I am provide two  method for watch YouTube 18+ video without any restriction .


How To Watch 18+ YouTube Videos Without Logging In ?

Note: if one method not work for you try another method.

#Method :1

first of all go to youtube official website and search any 18+ video which you want to watch without sign in and select that video for watch

step:2) when you select video simply see the Url box of  your web browser , url address looking like bellow.

now make following URL address from above given URL address


step:4) simply past the url which is given step 3 in your web browser's url box ,

now you can  successfully watch your 18+ video.

step:1) select any 18+ video in youtube and

step:2) Copy the video URL (present in the address bar of the browser)
    Here the URL is

    step:3) Now just replace the word watch with watch_popup and now the new URL become   

 step:4) past above url in your web browser. That’s it. You are done.

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