How To Search Google Directly For Mp3 Links
I love song and i know you also like to listen song in free day. All of us download mp3 songs from internet and use those mp3 download websites. But the only problem which i face is that these sites are stuffed with pop up ads with big downloads banner written and the real download link is hidden somewhere which a rocket scientist can only find. Google has indexed thousands of webpages that are simply directories full of mp3 files. These directories are hosted by many different people all across the Internet.
By adding some commands to your Google search, you can restrict the results to show only pages with links to mp3 files on them.
But here in this article i am going to tell you a simple way in which you can directly find the download links of tat song, without using their ad stuffed web page. You can just go to their page to directly save that mp3.
follow below guide for download your mp3 without having any problem.
Step:1) first of all you need to pic the name of any song name which you want to download in my case I have to download "Any body can dance "
Step:2)now when you choose song name simply go to and type below command in search bar and hit search button.
intitle:index.of?mp3 Any body can dance
Note: You can change that with the song which you want to download.
Step:3)now Google uncle show you result simply Open any search result page. You will get the links of download for tat song.

Step:4) now a window will be open Just right click on any of the link and save it to your computer.

That's it, A simple clean and ad free way to download your song. Cheers
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