Tracking Uploader Via Downloaded Photo From Facebook
Hello friends In today Facebook's photo play important role in our life. some time we save any particular photo on our computer from Facebook but after few months we forget the exact location from where you download the photo.If you find Photos on some your computer or friend's computer in a format like this format 599950_3322357432430_1155047438_n.jpg. You can easily guess its a photo downloaded from Facebook. But do you know with the name of this downloaded pic, we can track the real uploaded of the pic.
Below i am going to show you a trick which is very useful in daily life .Just follow these simple steps.
Step:1) first of all found that photo and rename it
Step:2) when you rename it Copy the number between two underscores .(see green color no.)

Step:3) when you copy that simply make a url like below format and copy that url and past it on address bar of your web browser.
that's it friends ...
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