Google Mobile’s New App Search Results User Interface


Google is rolling out a new design change to the mobile search results for when you search for apps. For example, if you search for weather apps on your mobile device, instead of Google just listing line-by-line the various apps you can download from the Google Play Store (or Apple App Store), Google will show you a new interface.

The new interface shows a grid-like look, with nice material design coloring, where it shows the app icon at the top and under that icon it shows information about the app, such as name of the app, rating, number of downloads and the price of the app.

Former Googler, Pedro Dias spotted this and so did the Android Police blog.

Here is a picture of the new look (you can click on it to enlarge):


Here is how the old version looks for me on my iOS device:


Finally, here is a video of it in action from Android Police:

The post Google Mobile’s New App Search Results User Interface appeared first on Search Engine Land.