Toxy: Hackable HTTP Proxy To Simulate Server Failure Scenarios And Unexpected Network Conditions

Toxy: Hackable HTTP Proxy To Simulate Server Failure Scenarios And Unexpected Network Conditions

toxy is a fully programmatic and hackable HTTP proxy to simulate server failure scenarios and unexpected network conditions, built for node.js/io.js.

It was mainly designed for fuzzing/evil testing purposes, when toxy becomes particularly useful to cover fault tolerance and resiliency capabilities of a system, especially in service-oriented architectures, where toxy may act as intermediate proxy among services.

toxy allows you to plug in poisons, optionally filtered by rules, which essentially can intercept and alter the HTTP flow as you need, performing multiple evil actions in the middle of that process, such as limiting the bandwidth, delaying TCP packets, injecting network jitter latency or replying with a custom error or status code.

toxy can be fluently used programmatically or via HTTP API. It's compatible with connect/express, and it was built on top of rocky, a full-featured middleware-oriented HTTP proxy.

Requires node.js +0.12 or io.js +1.6

Why toxy?

There're some other similar solutions like toxy in the market, but most of them do not provide a proper programmatic control and usually are not easy to hack, configure and/or extend. Additionally, most of the those solutions only operate at TCP level stack instead of providing high-level abstraction to cover common requirements of the specific domain and nature of the HTTP protocol, like toxy does.

toxy provides a powerful hackable and extensible solution with a convenient abstraction, but also a low-level interface and programmatic capabilities exposed as a simple, concise and fluent API, with the implicit power, simplicity and fun of node.js.


toxy introduces two core directives that you can plug in the proxy and should knowing before using: poisons and rules.

Poisons are the specific logic to infect an incoming or outgoing HTTP flow (e.g: injecting a latency, replying with an error). HTTP flow can be poisoned by one or multiple poisons, and poisons can be plugged to infect both global or route level incoming traffic.

Rules are a kind of validation filters that can be reused and applied to global incoming HTTP traffic, route level traffic or into a specific poison. Their responsability is to determine, via inspecting each incoming HTTP request, if the registered poisons should be enabled or not, and therefore infecting or not the HTTP traffic (e.g: match headers, query params, method, body...).

How it works

↓   ( Incoming request )  ↓
↓           |||           ↓
↓     ----------------    ↓
↓     |  Toxy Router |    ↓ --> Match the incoming request
↓     ----------------    ↓
↓           |||           ↓
↓     ----------------    ↓
↓     |  Exec Rules  |    ↓ --> Apply configured rules for the request
↓     ----------------    ↓
↓           |||           ↓
↓     ----------------    ↓
↓     | Exec Poisons |    ↓ --> If all rules passed, then poison the HTTP flow
↓     ----------------    ↓
↓        /       \        ↓
↓        \       /        ↓
↓   -------------------   ↓
↓   | HTTP dispatcher |   ↓ --> Proxy the HTTP traffic, either poisoned or not
↓   -------------------   ↓


npm install toxy
