15 Ways To Help You Stay Out Of Jail, Ways To Survive As A Hacker 2016

This article will show you some of the top ways the best *h*a*c*k*e*r*s use to keep themselves hidden and out of jail and to be a better hacker.
(Note: Educational purposes only;written for beginners.)

1.Never tell anyone you are a hacker

2.Never hack without a proxy

3.Always use a proxy when doing anything remotely illegal

4.Never hack from your house

5.Never use your real name in a conversation or sign up sheet

6.Always use fake information when signing up for something such as an account

7.Never use the same password more than once

8.Never use a password that can be found in the dictionary

9.Always use a firewall

10.Never let the F.B.I. into your house without a warrant stating their intentions.

11.Never let the F.B.I. in period.

12.Always have a panic button that mass deletes all your questionable material.

13.Make sure that the deletion of your files it is at least in compliance with the Department of Defense deletion protocol if you have time; The Guttman Method is the best.

14.Never hack from the same computer twice if possible

15.Always wave to cops

You might say to yourself that you do not follow one or more of these rules. This is why most *h*a*c*k*e*r*s get caught. They forget to cover their tracks and get busted. The more rules you abide by, the better your chances are of staying hidden.