Antifraud Systems Full Explained 2016 [Easy]

In all online shops which accept credit card was added "Credit Card Fraud Detection service" (further CCFDs).

 It's task is to percent of possibility of fraud. It counts as named fraud score (FS) based on main factors of legity. For example if FS higher than 2,5 it's adviced to manager to hold order or claim a call.

Factors of fraud:

1. E-mail Domain - they look provider of your e-mail (if it's free email provider like

2. Geographic Source-IP A country which IP belongs to and a country you're entering in the shop must be the same.

3. Anonymous Proxy - if IP of customer in black list.

4 High Risk Country - for example Russia, Ukrain, Moldova, Belorussia, Columbia, Egypt, Indonesia, Livan, Macedonia

5. Distance-?????????? - distance between IP location and shipping address.

6. Bin Number Match - country of bank emited the card and country of IP (check by BIN).

9-Carder E-mail - if entered e-mail is in database of famous carders.

10-Open Proxy - check IP on public proxy

11-Spam - checking IP in spam blacklist

And that's the formula for counting FS:

FS =
2.5 * isFreeEmail +
2.5 * countryDoesntMatch +
5 * highRiskCountry +
10 * min(distance,5000) / maxEarthArc +
2 * binDoesntMatch +
5 * carderEmail +
2.5 * proxyScore +
maxEarth = 20037.