Cross Platform ELF Analysis - ELF Parser

How do I compile it?

ELF Parser can be compiled on Windows, OS X, or Linux (demangling and unit tests don’t work on Windows). Windows uses the VS 2010 project in the base directory for compilation whereas Linux/OS X uses CMake. Compiling on Linux goes like this:

cd ~/elfparser
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..

Obviously, you will need to resolve any dependencies. Specifically, Boost is required and Qt is required for the GUI build.

Compile Targets

ELF Parser has a number of compilation targets that can be configured by CMakeLists.txt. The targets are:

º Unit tests
º CLI build
º GUI build
º Visual Studios build

CLI Usage

The user can pass in a single file (-f) or a directory (-d) of files:

./elfparser-cli --help
  --help                 A list of command line options
  --version              Display version information
  -f [ --file ] arg      The ELF file to examine
  -d [ --directory ] arg The directory to look through.
  -r [ --reasons ]       Print the scoring reasons
  -c [ --capabilities ]  Print the files observed capabilities
  -p [ --print ]         Print the ELF files various parsed structures.