Katcall for new positions in the IPKat team

The IPKat is pleased to announce a new and exciting opportunity for aspiring community bloggers!  Considering the running of the IPKat blog in the future, the IPKat team is proposing to create a new role, to be called "InternKat".

The IPKat team is therefore looking for 2 keen intellectual property enthusiasts to fill the position of InternKats. It is envisaged that the InternKats selected would carry out the role for a period of 6 months, and be responsible for tasks including:
  • Round-up posts (example);
  • Never-too-late posts (example);
  • Around-the-blog posts (example);
  • Book reviews (example);
  • Updating the events calendar (here);
  • Reporting of statistics and analytics of the IPKat blog and coverage with a monthly round-up.
If the InternKats wish, they are also invited to write independent posts with a suggested contribution rate of about once a month.  Throughout the period the InternKats will receive training as required for the tasks that the role involves, as well as mentoring and guidance from the IPKat team in writing posts.

Anyone may apply for this role, but the Kats think that it will be most suited to graduate students in the field of IP law or trainees (or recently qualified people) in one of the IP-related professions.

To apply, applicants should send their CV and a 400-word sample post on the topic of their choice by email to theipkat@gmail.com, and include the word "InternKat" in the subject line of the email. The covering email should include the applicant's name, qualifications, current occupation, areas of IP interest, and 150 words on why they would like to be an InternKat.

The deadline for applications is 29 February 2016. Successful applicants will begin their internship on 1 April 2016.

So if you want to get your paws on one of the most stimulating opportunities in feline IP blogging [a crowded market, Merpel notes], get in touch now!