New digitally signed malware targets Mac users

os x mavericks desktopA new piece of digitally signed malware that targets Mac users has been discovered. The new malware, which has been dubbed OSX/LaoShu-A by Sophos and is considered as bot, is being used in an “undelivered courier item” email campaign which tries to trick users into downloading the malware as they try to see the description of an alleged undelivered parcel.
In this particular case the email explains that the undelivered item contained some documents which have been scanned and are waiting for the user to inspect them. A link is provided which takes the unsuspecting user to a fake courier website (often a clone of a real courier website like FedEx or DHL) and then proceeds to download an attachment. If the malicious website detects that the web browser is running on Windows then a piece of malware called Mal/VBCheMan-C is downloaded.
However for Mac users a .zip file is downloaded containing an application that looks like a PDF document. OS X will automatically unzip the file and leave the application in the Downloads folder. The app icon has been intentionally given the PDF icon to trick users into thinking it is a PDF document. However when clicked it will install the malware. Because the application is digitally signed OS X won’t produce a warning about the application coming from an unknown source, but rather it will only warn the user that it has been downloaded from the Internet. Although the warning does actually say “application” rather than “document” the dialog offers the user two possibilities to Cancel or to Open. The use  of the word Open by Apple rather than Run can leave the user with the impression that they are opening a document.
According to Sophos OSX/LaoShu-A is a bot and takes commands from a C&C server, however its main function appear to be data stealing as it will search for files with extensions such as DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT and PPTX and try to upload them to the C&C server. However it can also download new program files and execute shell commands which means it will basically be able to do whatever the attackers tell it to do.