Food Combinations You Never Thought Would Taste So Good


Ever since I was a kid, something seemed off when it came to eating habits. However, what can you expect from a child who grew up at a family dinner table where it was absolutely normal to dip a cube of sugar into their soup? How was it possible to stay conservative when it came to food, when the whole family just loved to mix salted cabbage with sugar and olive oil. I had no idea that it was more suitable to eat meat and potatoes pie with ketchup until I was nine years old. I was enjoying my meat and potatoes pie with jam or condensed milk.

Over the years my food preferences have changed quite a lot, but one thing stays consistent: I still enjoy my potatoes with jam or condensed milk. I’m sure you might come to a snap judgement about mixing meat and jam, but you really should give it a try. You might be amazed at how tasty it is. Below are my top five favorite food combinations that others have thought strange. I encourage you to give them a chance.

French fries with vanilla ice cream

sides-french-fries  Vanilla-Bean-Ice-Cream-2-mark

This food combination is my guilty pleasure. Unfortunately, I cannot make any healthy remarks about mixing fries with ice cream. However, it has saved me from quite a few gloomy and snowy days we have here in Russia during the winter season. You will be surprised how good it tastes. I have many friends who have also fallen in love with this food combination.

Watermelon with brown bread


I am not sure about how this combination came to be but I have a feeling that it relates a little bit to the Russian culture. Growing up in, we developed a mentality where even the most delicious dish has to be filling, and in no time we created a way of how to do it. I can tell you now that when I eat my watermelon without brown bread on the side, it feels that something significant is missing.

Pasta with yogurt and chocolate

white-pastagreek yogurt; Shutterstock ID 150228722; PO: today.comimages

This might seem weird at first, but you would be surprised at how tasty the combination can be. There was a day when I came home from work to an almost empty fridge. All I had was pasta, yogurt, chocolate pasta, and some olive oil. You can probably assume what I did next. I boiled the pasta and then mixed in the yogurt, chocolate pasta and olive oil.  Since I don’t let myself eat chocolate often, this one is considered another guilty pleasure. When I do indulge, I enjoy and appreciate every bite of it.

Brown bread with sour cream, avocado and honey

When I was a child I would use a generous amount of sugar, and I didn’t know about avocados. Now I’ve become very conscious about what I eat and I try to do it the right way. Hence, I excluded sugar and substituted it with a healthier source of sugar–honey–and added avocado. My friends call this a “pity parody of a sandwich,” but I am confident in saying that this sandwich is an awesome and time-saving snack.

Buckwheat and yogurt

This one is my favorite. I literally cannot imagine my life without this food combination. During an interview I was asked, ”What are the three things you cannot live without?” This dish was on that list. I love the taste, but even more I love the fact that it is healthy. It’s also very simple to make: mix one cup of buckwheat with two cups of boiled water and let it set for an hour. Another way is to boil the buckwheat for 15-20 minutes. Add some plain yogurt on top, salt, and enjoy.

What are some food combinations you love, but that others might think sound strange?

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