Completing Goal: Squat Every Day To Tone Up Your Butt


80 squats is how you will end the week. This should give you motivation to continue the squat challenge. There’s no room for excuses, even if you’re sore. The first week of getting into a workout regimen is always the hardest. Once you are over the hump, you shouldn’t stop a good habit that you worked so hard to cement in your life. There’s no point climbing up the mountain and climbing back down as soon as you reach the peak. Revel in your accomplishments and enjoy the view. Once your body is at peak performance, you are warranted to celebrate. Don’t set limits on the capabilities of your body.

Day Seven Is A Little Taste Of Heaven

80 squats is a nice goal, but let’s try to double that number. Now that you see what you’re capable of after pushing your physicality to its limits, you’re able to maintain and ascend your level of health to new beginnings. Let your new-found sense of self radiate good vibes. Transform into all you’re capable of becoming, which is anything you work hard for and set your mind to.

30 Day Squat Challenge

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