Day 6: Squat Every Day To Tone Up Your Butt

Bodybuilder Doing Front Squats With Barbells

Today you should feel a sense of majesty and accomplishment. Having completed five days of squatting isn’t an easy task. You have already surpassed the standardized regimen for squatting. Day six is a milestone anybody going through this challenge should be proud of. Squatting should be part of your dreams now, considering all of the repetitions you have executed in the last six days. This movement should be deeply embedded in your mind, and there shouldn’t be any thoughts on how do it improperly.

Squat Hard Into Day Seven

Every time you lower your body, think about rising up, feeling better, and how much you will tone your butt with every rep. 75 squats is the number you must reach. Go hard at it with conviction and purpose.

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