Day 5: Squat Every Day To Tone Up Your Butt


After resting for a day you should have recuperated and be ready to get back on the grind. By now you should have designed a number of sets and repetitions that works well for you. Everyone is different, so don’t be discouraged if it takes you longer than others to complete 70 squats. This number shouldn’t be alarming, and should be something that makes you excited. The progression you have made has been earned.

Day Five Is A Turning Point

This is a day that should be commemorated. By now you have made a transition into sticking to your plan. Working out should now feel like a natural inclination, and won’t be a hassle to execute. Congratulate and reward yourself for making a change. This kind of self-respect and encouragement will cause you to be more consciously aware of sticking to what you start. Let the 70 squats influence you to learn more about different workout regimens.

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