Day 3: Squat Every Day To Tone Up Your Butt

Bodybuilder Doing Front Squats With Barbells

Day three is the toughest day out of the seven. By this time you’re sore, depleted, and fatigued. Pushing out 60 squats may seem virtually impossible, but you must tell yourself that you can do it. This is very possible, and an attainable goal that will make you feel better about yourself. Don’t back down from this challenge because it won’t benefit you. Keep your head up, back straight, and squat down and rise up to what you need to do. This is the only way to grow and force yourself to get outside of your comfort zone. This challenge will help you discern discipline outside outside of following an exercise routine.

Squat Like Your Life Depends On It

Treat each repetition like you won’t get to do another one ever again. Treat every squat like it will be your last and don’t cheat. Proper form is what facilitates optimal muscle hypertrophy.

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