Getting Started: Nurture Yourself And Reduce Stress

Being good to yourself is one of the easiest ways to lower stress levels.

You don’t need to overindulge when it comes to nurturing yourself; a little bit of pampering is all that’s needed to lower stress-inducing hormones. Nurturing yourself from time to time is always a good way to increase your mood and productivity. It’s also one of THE easiest ways to reduce stress levels and it’s a method that a lot of us might not know about.

I will be giving you some tips on some of the most effective ways to nurture yourself, so that your stress levels can be reduced significantly. Each tip is designed to be easy, time-efficient, cost-effective, and of course, fun.

Today’s Tip

Sing, dance, hop, skip, or just go for a walk.

Why it matters?

Singing releases a variety of emotions in us, so try getting into the habit of at least partially singing one of your favorite tunes a few times a day. It will increase your mood and lower stress levels. If singing isn’t your thing, try a quick dance or go for a walk, the exercise gives your brain something new to focus on, and it gives you some time to reflect on what’s been stressing you out so much. The point is that doing something hassle-free and quick will lower your cortisol (stress-provoking hormones) levels.

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