Getting Started: Squat Every Day to Tone up Your Butt

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You can virtually squat anywhere and everywhere, and see results with consistency. It takes very little time to complete a squat-orientated workout. This is a natural position that facilitates the defecation process.

This exercise can help prevent colon disease, constipation, pelvic floor, and many other similar issues. Squatting has been proven to be one of the most effective exercises known to man; not only does it tone up your butt and work your quads and hamstrings, it also strengthens the posterior chain and abdomen.

50 Squats

Start off by performing 50 squats. The number may sound daunting and outrageous without any prior experience, but it’s a very attainable goal. Whether you have to do five sets of then or 20 sets of five, just get it done. Even if you end up doing less than what’s stated, that’s okay; work at your own pace and complete fifty.

Take a 30 to 90-second rest period in between each set. This will stimulate and force the lower body to grow and develop into an aesthetically pleasing outcome. Hoping, praying, and wishing won’t develop a good physique. Remember that your body only works well if you do. And putting the time in is what’s important.

This is a convenient way of assuring optimal blood flow throughout your body, and will revitalize your mind, body and spirit. One day of squatting can be the discernible difference between your day running smoothly or being chaotic. Squatting will help you rationalize your problems with logic, and enhance your creativity.


This is the first day of the rest of your life. Let’s have a positive outlook and make the hours count, even though this workout will take less than an hour.


The post Getting Started: Squat Every Day to Tone up Your Butt appeared first on Lifehack.

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