Why Women In Their 30’s Are Extremely Attractive

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There are so many factors that separate the 20’s from the 30’s. Though not as commonly spoken about, there are rites of passage for women growing into their 30’s. The beauty you exude comes from something far beneath the surface. Only those who can get to that depth will truly reach you. Getting fully grounded in your power and wielding it with every swing of your hips is no easy feat.

You say ‘yes’ to saying ‘no’

You’ve learned by now that you accomplish more when you say no more often. Keeping in shape for example, means saying no to other activities that interfere with workout time.

You’re not the grinch, you just have a better understanding of what is suitable for you. You also have your own tastes, and you definitely know the kind of flavor of life you’d like to keep. Opinions? You certainly have your own.

You’ve reached full self-acceptance, and expect the same from others

You know who you are, and have accepted what you like. Others will have to do the same if they’re going to truly appreciate you. Unlike when you were in your 20’s, now you know the cost of associating yourself with energy-draining vampires. You now know there is nothing beneficial about having a person around who does not value you as much as you value yourself.

You only spend your time with people who can respect the true value of themselves. In return, others enjoy spending time with you because they know the depth at which they are appreciated. This doesn’t mean you enjoy being around people who respect you simply for your external actions, you want to be around people who value the inherent worth.

You don’t panic when disaster strikes

Something’s gone wrong. You’ve experienced this before. When challenges come up, you’re somehow stronger than you used to be. It has required much emotional weight lifting to get to your 30’s. You’re more prepared to take a course of action in times of stress.

Perhaps because you’re more assured in your decision making skills, you now have the strength to reflect on the times you were under extreme stress and handled things poorly, without really going there emotionally.

You’re healthy, and aging like a sexy bottle of Sangiovese

You’ve been wise enough to add to your storehouse of knowledge as you’ve gotten older. There are benefits to knowing yourself intimately.

You know how much sleep you need, etc. Sugar, salt, and fat get a watchful eye from you now.

Reaching this far in life is due in part to giving yourself proper emotional care and mental stimulation. The third decade of life beckons you to learn what feeds your soul and put more focus there.

You aim for legendary style, trends suck

If anything, a trend catches your eye because it’s happened before, not because you’re waiting for the next bandwagon to jump on. Trends amuse you. For example, at the root of fashion is a desire to outwardly express the personality.

Trends are layered on top for people to find a subcategory, a home for your personality and you don’t need that. Your trends are self-created and you go through phases of experimenting with who you are.

You actually learn what you should from your mistakes

For the most part, gone are the days when you kept making mistakes, never really learning anything from them. Now, you definitely learn as much as you can from every experience. You’ve gained a certain level of self awareness and awareness of your environment.

You leverage your strength over weakness and reduce doubt

Successful accomplishments were achieved because you made a choice. At some point there was a shift, you became reward based, and adopted the “what if everything goes right?” mentality. Doubt is crippling and paralyzing. It’s not that you never doubt yourself, you just don’t allow the feeling to linger long. Feelings give your thoughts momentum, and you can’t afford for doubt to roll into a snowball. It’s not about conditioning your weaknesses away, it’s about conditioning your positive thoughts to kick in and take over.

The subtle yet impactful changes that you experience in your 30’s solidify you. But you maintain your flexibility. Things do get better as you age, only because you demand so. Pain is easier to deal with, and the nectar of life is so much sweeter. You’ve found that though it requires more focus and power, it’s very much worth it to create the tide instead of riding it.

Finally, relationships are so much more fruitful because you know yourself and you’re not afraid to say no. You’re not afraid to say yes either, when you have to dig deep and summon a strength you have never known. Watching an exotic flower grow into full bloom is nothing less than stunning… and that’s why you’re attractive.

Featured photo credit: tvtropes.org via skyrotinews.com

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