IP Publishers and Editors' Lunch 2016!

More than ready
for a discussion on
linking ... and lunch 
Keeping up with the lovely tradition initiated by IPKat founder Jeremy Phillips (and as already mentioned on this blog), also this year there will be an IP Publishers and Editors' Lunch [but anyone with an interest in IP ... and linking is welcome to register!]!

As explained more in detail on the JIPLP blog, the 2016 IP Publishers and Editors' Lunch will take place on Friday 25 November, from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm (registration from 12.15 pm), at the London offices of Veale Wasbrough Vizards. 

The Lunch will begin with a keynote speech by the eclectic (not only an IP star, but also an excellent violinist, fencer and photographer) and knowledgeable Jaani Riordan (8 New Square), who will discuss hyperlinking in the aftermath of the CJEU's decision in GS Media, analysing the relevant implications for publishers. 

As always, the keynote speech will be followed by informal conversations and networking among the participants, facilitated by a delicious buffet lunch and drinks.

To register for the event [which is FREE], please visit the relevant Eventbrite page.