Increase “Tested up to” Value for WordPress Plugin

For the purpose of this exercise, I’m going to update the Tested up to value for my Stop Emails plugin, without creating a new release. Get Your Subversion Repository URL
This URL is available on the Developers tab of your plugin on in the Subversion Repository link. In my case, the url is
Checkout a Local Copy of the Subversion Repo
svn co
Navigate into your plugin directory with something like
cd stop-emails
Update Your “Tested up to” Value
You should updated your “Tested up to” value in your latest tagged release. Look in tags/ and find the latest version, in my case 1.2.0. If you want to edit this from the command line, you can use
nano tags/1.2.0/readme.txt
You can review the change by using svn diff
Push the changes back to
You then check-in your changes and include a message of the change.
svn ci -m "Tested up to bumped to 4.5 in tagged release 1.2.0"
Why I Wrote this Post
The only time I ever use subversion is for managing my plugin on Every time I use it, I have to look up how.
For tagged releases (e.g.
