How to Be a Better Human – Lessons from WordCamp US

WordCamps are always educational. You hear about time-saving plugins, you see beautiful themes, and you learn about the latest SEO techniques. WordCamp US was no exception. I plan to write up some of my favorite SEO techniques from WordCamp US but today I wanted to talk a little bit about the non-technical talks. Knowing the best plugin to promote your latest blog post is great. But if you can’t work up the courage to write your first post then what good is the plugin?
Sara Cannon talked about creativity. And she starts by making a distinction between being creativity & being artistic.
"Creativity is not the same thing as artistic. It means opening our mind to new possibilities." @saracannon #wcus
— Patrick Rauland (@BFTrick) December 2, 2016
And this is important because everyone is creative. And if you don’t believe that then you sell yourself short.
She then talks about improv where they practice “yes and”. Affirming every idea instead of saying “no that doesn’t make sense”
Improv + Open Source. Take what exists, build on top of it. Don’t be afraid to fail. #YesAnd #wcus
— Andy McIlwain (@andymci) December 2, 2016
