One hundred, forever

In 2014, Matt Mullenweg challenged the WordPress community to volunteer 5% of their time towards open-source and A few months later, I ran a successful fundraising compaign that allowed me to donate 6 months worth of time towards BuddyPress & bbPress.
For 2017, and hopefully with your help, I’m going to try something a little different that I’ve nicknamed: ∞.
My goal is be a fully funded independent ambassador for WordPress & the surrounding initiatives, backed by many of the best companies who continue to push WordPress beyond its limits on a daily basis.
Practically speaking, I imagine this to work like a monthly retainer to work on WordPress core and Dotorg. Someone pays, say, $7500, and I get to say January 2017’s progress was brought to you by Pagely, February by GoDaddy, March by CrowdFavorite, April by Jetpack, May by WebDevStudios, June by GiveWP, and so on, forever.
(The structure is a bit TBD. Maybe it’s weekly rather than monthly, or quarterly, or something else entirely. Hopefully you get the idea.)
It’s like a podcast, but instead of airtime ad placement, it’s coretime leadership, contributor relations, and
