7 Reasons To Buy Glasses Online

Glasses seem to be everywhere these days. They’ve gone from being an object of ridicule for their owners (remember those ridiculous “four eyes” jokes?) to a prejudicial sign of intelligence (thanks to Steve Jobs and co) and a pretty strong fashion statement (take almost every major celebrity today as an example). There are two categories of people who wear glasses; those who wear them due to medical prescriptions or optical deformities, others just put them on because they look cool and are in vogue. Whatever reason you wear them, you definitely can be given a pass. However, a main problem arises when you need to purchase them. This problem is mostly faced by those who use glasses as a fashion statement. You have to find the glasses that fit perfectly, have the right color and probably aren’t too common. The other category of people who wear glasses might also face this problem, if they’re fashion savvy and not the usual everyday nerds you see around.

When purchasing the perfect pair of glasses, you have two options; you can either look for them at local stores and malls or you could simply get them online. The latter choice has come under heavy scrutiny as the credibility and reliability of online shopping has been questioned recently.

I use glasses myself, although I only use them as a part of my outfit. Personally, I’d still prefer to shop for my glasses online. Below are a few reasons why you should, too;

There’s a wider range to choose from

Shopping complexes and buildings have limited space to showcase their stock, thus limiting the amount of things they can put on display per time. They also rotate stuff from time to time, meaning that the pair of glasses you would have loved could actually be in the store, but not on display-if only you could have come a week later or a week before (get my point?). Online shopping clients don’t have this problem and in my opinion, this is the biggest advantages online shopping has over shopping malls and establishments. You get to see a wider range of items to choose from and your possibilities are extended. It also gets easier as most online shopping sites and apps enable you to search for the specific type of glasses you want, if you have a specific pair in mind. You can search type, name, brand, color, etc., if you have something in mind, the items you see in a store are limited. However, with online shopping, your selection range is extended.

It saves stress a whole lot

This is another strong advantage of online shopping. With shopping in a store, you have to leave home, take a bus (i.e., spend some money and time), get to the store and begin looking for what you want specifically. This whole process can be annoying at times and the worst part is that you might not even find what you’re looking for and in a bid not to repeat this process, you settle for something less (wasting EVEN MORE money). With online shopping, however, you can save yourself all this stress and get the job done from the comfort of your bed or couch. Just log on to your shopping site (or app), search for your desired pair and that’s it. Granted, you might have to wait a few days for the delivery but this is more advantageous, don’t you think?

Free online fitting

One point where online shopping was losing was the fact that you couldn’t try your glasses on. Now, that’s a thing on the past. Major online shopping clients are now equipped with a virtual mirror that can give you an idea of what you’ll look like if you decide to purchase a particular pair of glasses.

Same quality, less price

Due to the possibility of legal action, online retailers are compelled to provide products that are of good quality. This means that whatever you buy at a store, you can get the exact same thing only; no differences. Shopping online also costs less. Online retailers don’t ask for commission, so you don’t need to pay for that. Buying glasses in stores can also be expensive due to other services that come along. With online shopping, these expenses are cut off meaning you get the same service for a far cheaper price.

Shopping online is safe and fast

Online shopping retailers have a safe checkout process that secures your financial details, so you don’t need to worry about any third party having access to your vital information. Y our delivery also comes within days of ordering, so you don’t have to wait that long to get your glasses.

An awesome customer service is available

Online shopping sites have customer services that are available 24/7. You can call or chat with them if you have any issues with your order and rest assured you will be attended to and get the appropriate solutions to your complaints.

If you have a problem, you can also return a pair of glasses easily

Most stores might not accept a return of glasses due to the damages you may (or may not) have caused. Online retailers accept returns and exchange within an agreed time period. A few of them could even give you a refund if you choose not to purchase another pair.

The post 7 Reasons To Buy Glasses Online appeared first on Lifehack.

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