I Am Single Because A Lasting Relationship Shouldn't Be Rushed

Does it seem like all of your friends are adding a +1 to party invitations? Are you feeling left out? Maybe even beginning to question your ability to find a romantic partner? At some point, every single one of us has been single. Every single person knows what it feels like to be left out of couples only events or to be the third wheel on a date. I know things can start to feel lonely, but there’s a reason you’re single now. Enjoy being single for the moment and don’t rush into a relationship just to avoid that feeling. Those are the relationships that usually don’t work out. Try not to worry about it. You won’t be single forever (unless you want to be). By choosing singleness now and not rushing into a relationship, you’re actually more likely to have a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship in the future.

“You don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. You just need to understand yourself.” [1]

If you’re not happy now, committing yourself to a relationship isn’t going to help. Being alone is exactly what you need right now – learn to deal with that feeling of loneliness. Chances are, that lonely feeling means you don’t understand yourself yet. Spending some time alone can help you learn more about who you really are and what you need to be happy. Relish that time and never forget what you learn about yourself. Then, you won’t rely on another person to bring you happiness. Remember, you are a complete person without having a significant other.

“Be together for the right reasons”

Don’t get yourself into a relationship before you’re ready. Make sure you understand yourself first and that you’re happy. This way, when you do find a romantic partner, you can make sure it’s for the right reasons. Both partners in a relationship need to be able to give and feel love, admiration, and respect for one another. This shouldn’t be one-sided. When you’re with another person for the right reasons, you benefit through personal growth and so does your partner. [2] Being with another person for the right reasons means the relationship is more likely to last.

“When we believe we cannot have what we desire—when we lack faith in ourselves and in the goodness of life—we settle for less.” [3]

If you rush into a relationship before you understand yourself and your needs, you’re probably settling for less than you deserve. The same is true if you rush into a relationship for all the wrong reasons. The thing is, sometimes we might feel so lonely that we’re willing to let any available person into our lives. It’s the erroneous idea that whatever is within our reach is good enough, better than nothing. If you find yourself saying that about a potential relationship, you’re probably settling. As with most things we settle for, the relationship probably won’t last long.

Let’s be honest. Not only do you deserve better, but the other person deserves better too. Nobody wants to settle and nobody wants to be the person settled on.

“Single is not a status, it is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.” [4]

Embrace your singlehood for now. Focus on the commitments you have to yourself, be spontaneous and free. Don’t listen to what anybody else says about your personal relationship and life. It’s your life and you’re doing this for you and your happiness. Be confident in knowing that you are spending time to get to know yourself so you’re with somebody for all the right reasons without settling for less than you deserve. Once you do find a partner, you can be sure that you’ve prepared yourself for a lasting relationship.


The post I Am Single Because A Lasting Relationship Shouldn’t Be Rushed appeared first on Lifehack.

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