CircuitPython 1.0.0 Release Candidate 1!

From the GitHub release page:

We’re close to our first stable release! If we don’t find any bugs with this we’ll launch it as 1.0.0! This release itself has a number of small improvements and bug fixes. Further release candidates will be made from the stable branch.

This release is based on MicroPython 1.8.7.

Change highlights since 0.10.1:

  • shared-bindings: Move the DigitalIO related enum-like classes from inside DigitalInOut into digitalio directly. This requires a code change! For example, digitalio.DigitalInOut.Pull.UP becomes digitalio.Pull.UP.
  • shared-bindings: Rename directions from IN and OUT to INPUT and OUTPUT to match Arduino.
  • shared-bindings: Allow changing DigitalInOut direction through the property in addition to the switch_to_* methods. For example:

import digitalio
import board
led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D13)
led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
  • atmel-samd express: Enable ure, center, partition, frozenset, splitlines, and reversed. Thanks @dhalbert!
  • atmel-samd: Fix stack checking because it was broken with LTO. Thanks @dhalbert!
  • atmel-samd: A number of PWMOut fixes. Thanks @ladyada for the testing!
  • atmel-samd: Fix bug in REPL history handling.
  • atmel-samd: Change PID for CircuitPlayground Express and Metro M0 Express.
  • CircuitPlayground Express: Allow the user to initiate safe mode by holding both A and B buttons while power cycling the chip.

To install, download a .bin file and follow the guide here for M0 and here for ESP8266.

Have a Feather M0 Express or Metro M0 Express? Download a .uf2 and follow these instructions. To install our libraries simply download the latest bundle and copy the lib folder onto your CIRCUITPY drive.

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