National Week of Making: Maker Profile on Tracy Gray #NationOfMakers #WeekofMaking @NationOfMakers


From Tray Gray via Week of Making

Being a Maker is building, creating, collaborating, designing, analyzing, examining, and making connections in a myriad of ways. Makers tinker with things and ideas, and learn in an informal, or formal, atmosphere by working on projects, experiments and activities. As a Tech Education Entrepreneur, I believe Makers have natural curiosity about their world and how things work. A Maker world is where one experiences “hands-on” exhibits, demonstrations, projects and experiments; delving into real workshop environments by working with tools and work tables. The most important component of “Maker-ism” to develop critical thinking through the success and failure of individual and collective endeavors.

The Sankofa Global Project is stepping up our commitment by hosting hands-on Tinker Workshop Lab Event for 2,000 students in Manhattan and Brooklyn during the National Week of Making, June 17 – June 23, 2016. At the Labs, students will tinker with ideas and gadgets to learn about science in an informal atmosphere. The Tinker Workshop Labs offer:

Hands-on exhibits, demonstrations, projects and experiments

A rich workshop environment including tools and work tables

Critical thinking skill development through exercises in trial and error during successes scientific experiments

Inspiration for students to pursue careers in STEM by building self-esteem through real world success.

We are excited that Flybrix Make Your Own LEGO® Drone Kits, a hardware startup from San Francisco, California, will join the Tinker Workshop Labs to showcase Flybrix Kits. Makers, students, and teachers will engage in demonstrations on how to Make Their Own Drones using LEGO® bricks for hands-on robotics and engineering experience. We are pleased to announce that Play-Well Teknologies, a Pre-Engineering and Engineering FUNdamentals LEGOⓇ inspired program, will also join Sankofa Global’s Tinker Workshop Labs.

Sankofa Global Project

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