Gbile Akanni Message to the Ministers of the Gospel


gbile akanni messages

Bombshell from Bro. Gbile Akanni, read with an open heart and the Lord shall ignite a fire of discontentment in you


In one of the Assemblies of God churches, in Aba District, where my late dad pastored in the 1980s, I remember when  a young man came very early in the morning and told my father:

"Pastor, what did I do to you? Why do you hate me so much? I have been born again for almost 1 year and I have won many people to Christ, but why have you not recommended me to join others to go for missions work in the northern States of the country... "

His singlet was torn... And with his zeal, he was crying profusely...

My father did not know what to say...
The young man kept crying:" Pastor, why are you doing this to me... Why are you doing this to me? "

My father told him: "Nna, I know very well that you want to serve God... But you are the only son of your mother and your father is late... If anything happens to you, who will look after your mother and younger ones?...

The boy started crying the more...
"Pastor, I am the only son and yet I was an arm robber... I am the only son, yet, I was attending meetings in the midnight with native doctors, where many of friends could not wake up alive after diabolically fortifying ourselves against police bullets... "

" Pastor, what would have happened to my mother if I had died in one of those armed robbery attacks? Who would have taken care of her? If I risked my life when I was serving Satan, why will I not risk it now that I am serving Jesus Christ? "

My father was speechless for almost 30minutes... And it was not long, we saw tears rolling down his eyes...
He held the young man and both of them were crying together...
How can I forget such scenes that God allowed to play out before my eyes? ...

My father recommended him to join some missionaries that came in the area for missions work...
The day he was leaving with them, the mother and his younger ones were crying... Knowing that they might not see him again, both live or dead... But I can still remember that excitement on his face...

Lord, how can I forget?

Brother, let us go to our Bible schools and listen to the conversation of those young men and women who have joined ministry and you will know that many of them have no single passion for the lost...

They are just getting ready to rent halls in the city where they will be rolling out posters and handbills, laying greedy hands on people, collecting offering and tithe...
That's all in their hearts...

Congratulations for your big auditorium...
I am happy for your 10th time services...
But if heaven cannot find such men in your church,...

Young men and women who will say: "Lets go to that village and tell them that Jesus is no more in the grave... Even If we don't have to come back alive... Let it be so..."

If you don't have such calibre of members among your congregation, then, sir, with due respect, it's a big shame! .. This end time agenda has no need of you and your kind!

A Muslim suicide bomber doesn't need tithe and offering to carry out a bloody assignment, in defence of his faith  ...
They don't need adverts or media stunts..

But here, we have young men who are in the pulpit, being driven by tithe, offering and honorarium.... If there is no 5star hotel reservation, they will not honour the invitation to preach ...

And yet, they are General Overseers...
Overseeing passionless men and women who are like them...

Where as, their mates in Islam has burnt their school certificates, refused juicy contracts, abandoned wonderful jobs and everyday they are sleeping in the bush and starving for months, receiving trainings, how to carry out terrorist attacks, all in defence of belief...

And we are here looking for churches where they will use convoy to come and pick us up from the airport...
And you wonder why people feel like vomiting when they hear them calling you a voice in the land...

A voice because you went to a program and stole committed members from your host church and you came back and gave them positions in the choir, sowing different uniforms for them every Sunday...

None of them can quote any scripture...
They have not gone for evangelism for any day, after many years of following you...
All of them were members you stole and now you are using juju to keep them from running away...
And they are calling you a voice in the land! ... What a ridicule! What a noise!

Brother, if this is the generation that will usher in a move of God in our days, then, those who have not forgotten what they saw in the church in the 80s and 90s must not keep quiet in a time like this...

The greatest hindrance of revival in our time is not Islam...
The pulpit in our time is the greatest enemy of the expected move of God  in our days...

If not for the decline of truth on the pulpits in our time, long ago, we would have seen what we saw in the days of our fathers...
And now we are blaming Muslim fanatics, who are defending with their lives what they believe in...

When else are we going to see young men from our churches, after hearing our messages, getting so angry in the spirit that they make up their minds to convert 10 unbelievers to Christianity every month month?
And the next place you will see them will be in camps or mountains, preparing, praying for Power?

But how can we hear such when the only thing we teach them is about how to be rich and how to suspect detect enemies?

I am tired of hearing testimonies of miracle jobs some of our ladies slept with company directors to get...
I am tired of seeing car dedications my brothers used fraudulent businesses to buy...
When are we going to start dedicating converted souls on our Sunday mornings?
Lord, where are all the men that saw what we saw in the days of our fathers?
This is not the time to keep quiet...
This is not the time to care about who likes or hates you...
If there is a time to beg for pulpit, soldier, it is not in a time like this!

No pulpit hosted John the Baptist...
They preached against him... That He was old fashioned... And that he was envying them who were running 10 times services...

That because he doesn't get any like or comment on his Facebook wall, that he is jealous of them that have huge online followership...
That because he is not anointed and that is why nobody was hosting him in their churches...

But brother, when his time came and he began to roar from the wilderness, those demonic General Overseers who were using marine powers to run ministry knew that indeed, in every generation, God has a breed He is preparing ...

Yes, they knew that "there was a man sent from God"...

Man of God, if you were sent from God, why are you allowing yourself to be influenced by men who were 'sent from Bible schools' ?

Some of the men you are competing with in ministry were 'sent from demonic covens in some parts of Africa' ... If we came from God, let us look more for God... He will soon show up...

You are almost getting to the time when members of many 'mega'  churches will be secretly and openly coming to you, to hear this gospel from your mouth... Because they would have gotten tired of fake testimonies that leaves them powerless and very vulnerable...

Men who have not bowed to baal are very few in our days...
Men who have not sold out their souls for mammon are rare to find now that we are here...
God depends on you for this end time work... Why are you bothered because someone somewhere is calling you names online? ...

Churches are everywhere around us, yet, there is a spiritual famine in Africa...
The power of the gospel is suffering bankruptcy in our time...
This is not the same gospel the apostles preached...
Something has happened to the Word of God in our mouths...

We are only showing the form of godliness, but hell has hijacked the power thereof...
And in our carnality, we are celebrating strange Fires...
Polluted Fire!
Moribund Fire!

But brother, I know that God will never leave Africa this way!
If the pulpit has failed, then,, He will bypass us and go down to the pews...
And raise people for Himself...

If our pews have become so frozen, He will go outside... He will look for drunkards and prostitutes....
He will get hold of witches and wizards...
And those arm robbers on the highways,
He will Clean them up and fill them up with Himself and use them mightily in this end time...

Yes, if those who came out from Bible schools are now using their certificates to raise only funds, God will bypass them and use those who has not gone to Bible schools...

This is the most critical time since the world began...
Islam is preparing to take over nations,...
They are putting funds together which  they will use to buy churches and pay their staff off...

Brother, in few years from now, if there is no genuine revival, many of our members today would have become Muslims...
You will see many pastors who will convert their churches into mosques, for a huge financial reward...

That time is not far...
Has it not even started?
When a pastor is collecting powers to grow his church from a Muslim native doctor, is that not handing over the Fire to the children of the bond woman?

The days we are in is terrible...
God knows and that is why He is raising an army that will stand to defend the gospel that was handed over to us, even if they have to lose everything for it...

That young man came back from the missions field, after a year, and later joined the Bible school... Became a pastor and God used him to win communities for Jesus...

Before my eyes, I saw God using him to sack evil spirits out from villages...
His name became a terror in that area, to the point that deities began to complain about how his presence in the community had rendered them powerless... Halaluya !

Those are the kind of testimonies we were hearing everyday in the days of our fathers that we want to be hearing again in our time...
But alas, here is Ichabod !

Imagine if every church in every community can boast of 10 of such members!
Imagine when many of our followers would have gotten broken enough, by God, that they don't mind what they lose again for God's sake...

Terrorists will no more be bombing our churches.. Because they would have known that already our churches are filled with people who are ready to die, anytime for the gospel ...

You don't have to waste your bomb on a man who is already dead!

But, why they will keep threatening to kill us is because they know that we love our cars and landed properties more than the CHRIST we say that died for us...

Prophet Mohammed was not killed on the Cross shamefully, yet, they can die for him publicly... What would have happened if their prophet Mohammed was crucified on the cross?

But where are the men and women who claims that Jesus died for them?

Oh Sister, it is time to take our Christian life to another level....
It is time to get 'fanatical'  about this Kingdom thing...

Enough of the prayer topics of: "God give me this and do that for me!"
This weekend, take your friends to the next Street and preach the gospel...
Next week, continue with it...

Why are we ashamed to tell people about the Man that conquered the grave?
Why can't we preach about the man that created the heaven and the earth?...

Mohammed did not do any single miracle, but his followers are dying for him...
He did not raise anybody from the dead...
He died and that was his end...
Yet, they can give everything to spread his belief...

How can we be ashamed of Jesus that spoke to the storm and their was peace?
He opened the blind eyes...
He interrupted funerals and raised the dead back to life...

Is He not enough to tell people about?
Did He not do enough to make you let everybody that knows you know that you are not ashamed of the gospel?

When will you be done with hiding from your friends when you want to speak in tongues, so that they will not laugh at you?
Brother, why are you ashamed of identifying with the Man who is the hope of the whole world?
As for me, I am done with religion, till I die..
I cannot stand Christianity by church sticker alone any more ...
Jesus did not die for you to only be attending choir rehearsals and changing uniforms every Sunday....

I hope God is not looking at you from heaven now and regretting why He did not let those people  that died of accident to replace you since you are useless to Him on earth...

Many in the hospital now, with few days to live are begging and crying, if God can give them a little more time, that they will preach this gospel under the rain and sun... And they mean it...

Brother, you that is healthy, what will God be saying about you when He sees that they are begging you to go to church?
The time is early enough to ask God for mercy and for Him to revive His walk in your life. ..

God is looking for people that will risk their lives for Him in our time...
Let it not be that He is preparing someone who is at the point of death in the hospital bed to come and replace you....
This is scary... But it is a serious matter!

Have you not played so much with the opportunities God has given you?
How much longer do we have to be in sin for grace to abound?

The Holy Spirit is speaking to you now...
He is reminding you of your distance from God...
Imagine if you had died in your sins yesterday morning...

You would have gone to hell,  and stay there, from now till the next 2billion years... And yet, that will be just the beginning...

Sister, don't be locked out of grace further... Don't postpone any longer the hour of your salvation...

Right now, hearken to the voice of mercy ...
And where you are sitting is good enough to kneel down and ask God for a revival ... I  am very sure that He will clean you up and give you a new....

Lord, let there be revival of true soul winning and genuine christian living In Jesus Mighty
Bro  Gbile Akanni.