Converting a Chinese Digger Toy to Use a Raspberry Pi Zero and PS3 Controller

via John Graves Tech Blog

This is a quick blog to explain some work I’ve done to convert a remote-controlled digger to use a Pi Zero, Dark Water 640, PS3 controller and a few other odds and ends to make a SUPER DIGGER!

My five-year-old son loves to play with construction toys.  I’ve purchased several Bruder brand trucks and they are great!  I envisioned someday modifying them to be remote-controlled.

I knew I wanted to use the Pi Zero.  I played around with some Arduino devices, but I like having the full control a Pi gives.  And, the price of the Zero is great!  But, I needed a reasonably priced motor controller to handle all six motors on the digger.  Fortunately I found the Dark Water company in the U.K.

See full breakdown!

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