Kids’ Drawings of Engineers and Women in Engineering | #INWED18 #RaisingTheBar @WES1919

Awaiting the announcement of the winners of the 2018 installment of Draw an Engineer Competition, you can still check out the 2017 winners (links below). These are great, genuine, at times hilarious renderings of kids’ perceptions of engineers and engineering, with an emphasis on Women in Engineering:

As part of our celebrations for INWED17 we once again launched a fantastic competition for young engineers (3-11 years), asking them to ‘Draw an Engineer’ using their creativity and artistic skills.

There were just under 100 entries to the competition and the 6 winners have been chosen by Maeve Higham, Caroline Carslaw and Holly Goodwin from the Women’s Engineering Society Young Members Board. Each winner will receive a copy of ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’ by Andrea Beaty and every entrant will receive a participation certificate.

Congratulations to our winners, whose entries can be seen on the right. To see all the fantastic entries we have had this year, please click the below links.


You can see more drawings here (1.4Mb PDF) and here (caution, 30Mb PDF of several dozen drawings!)

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!