Soft Robotics Follow-Up: Haverford School Scores Win in the 2017 Annual Soft Robotics Competitions

A follow-up on a previous post on Soft Robotics where we mentioned the High School students at the Haverford School robotics program in Philadelphia. Teacher Holly Golecki informed us yesterday that:

The students ended up developing an edible soft robotic actuator and won the Harvard Soft Robotics Toolkit Design Competition. The students in grades 7-11 filed a patent on their work, presented at the Materials Research Society meeting and won a Best Poster award there. They recently submitted an article on their work to the peer reviewed journal, MRS Advances. Our group has grown to 18 students working on a new project this year that they will submit again to the competition.

Way to go Haverford! You’ve used science to combine two of the best things: robotics and Gummi Bears!

You can watch their video above to see how they worked through their award winning design.

We can’t wait to see your 2018 design! Congratulations from Adafruit!

gummi bear soft robotics

Know of other great soft robotics projects? Share in the comments!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!