Behind-the-Scenes: How We’re Automating Acceptance Testing

Have you ever had the joy of carrying out acceptance tests? For our team at Delicious Brains, testing our releases, in the past, has been one of the most dreaded tasks on the to-do list. We hold our plugins to a high quality standard so it’s a must but manual tests are brain-numbingly tedious and can take hours of expensive developer time. Recently, we decided it was high-time to fix that.
Enter, me + my beginnings of automating the acceptance testing process.
Will it work? Will it save us from hours of brain-numbing manual tests? Will we be better off? Will it all be a fruitless effort?
Read on for more about how the automation of testing our plugins ahead of release is shaping up – including how we manually tested in the past and a look at some of the automated acceptance tests we’ve already implemented.
Be warned, this is not a tutorial! Acceptance testing can be quite a complex thing, so while I’ll show some code it is far from complete and primarily here to give you a taste of how we set things up.
What is Acceptance Testing?
So what the devil is acceptance testing and why do we do it?
For Delicious Brains, acceptance testing is the process of testing the
