New Products 7/25/2018 Featuring Adafruit LED Backpacks! @adafruit #adafruit

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3837 01

Machined Aluminum Servo Arm: If you bought a servo from us you probably got a bunch of plastic add-ons that you can snap onto the rotating part of the servo. These are called ‘servo horns’ and the standard ones you’ll get are plastic pieces. They’re good but often short and not very strong plastic. See more!

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micro:bit Club 10-Pack: The British Invasion is here! No, not music… microcontrollers! The BBC micro:bit is one of the newest and easiest ways to learn programming and electronics.

Designed specifically for kids and beginners, the micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customize and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life. It’s a small, code-able device that is a non-intimidating introduction to programming and making – switch on, program it to do something fun – wear it, customize it, develop new ideas. See more!

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Pixy2 CMUcam5 Sensor: Ever wanted your microcontroller to sense images without eating up all your processor speed? Or wish that you had an image sensor that wasn’t limited to RGB – but could sense hue and saturation as well? Or just want a kickstarted, open source camera sensor with a cool name? Enter the Pixy2 CMUCam5 – an image sensor for your microcontroller that you can teach what to look for. It’s a plug-and-play smart vision system for Arduino-compatibles, Raspberry Pi, or other microcontroller/computer systems. See more!

3842 01
3 x AA Battery Holder with 2.1mm Plug: Here’s another addition to our growing family of AA battery holders. A holder for three (3) AA batteries! It’s got an 8″ long power cable with a 2.1mm DC jack at the end, and, oh yes, it’s in classy Adafruit black. See more!

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Flexible Silicone Neon-Like LED Strip in Various Colors – 1 Meter: Here at Adafruit we love discovering new and exotic glowing things. Like moths to the flame, we were intrigued by these fresh Flexible Silicone Neon-Like LED Strips! They look a lot like neon, but without the need for expensive transformers, glass tubing or inert gasses. See more!

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Adafruit 14-segment LED Alphanumeric Backpack: By popular request, you can now get our 14-segment LED backpacks without the LEDs! These backpacks feature an HT16K33 I2C LED driver, they’re simple and easy to use – you can use our very nice library for the backpacks to get running in under half an hour, with numbers and letters displaying. If you’ve been eyeing matrix displays but hesitated because of the complexity, this is the solution you’ve been looking for! See more!

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Adafruit 7-Segment LED Matrix Backpack: By popular request, you can now get our 7-segment LED backpacks without the LEDs! These backpacks feature an HT16K33 I2C LED driver, they’re simple and easy to use – you can use our very nice library for the backpacks to get running in under half an hour, with numbers on the 7-segment. If you’ve been eyeing matrix displays but hesitated because of the complexity, this is the solution you’ve been looking for! See more!

New Products 7/25/2018

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